Welcome to the Entrepreneurs Journey: Blogs for Business Owners website. This a truly wonderful list of articles for everything in corporate life.
A Year of Ups and Downs: Navigating Disappointment.
Navigating Disappointment in Business. As an entrepreneur, I’ve always embraced challenges as opportunities for growth. However, this past year has been a particularly tough…
Nurturing Your Mental Health: A Guide for Busy Entrepreneurs
Nurturing Your Mental Health: A Guide for Busy Entrepreneurs As an entrepreneur, you’re likely juggling multiple responsibilities, from managing a team to securing funding.…
Leadership – Back to Basics
Leadership “A leader is a dealer in hope.” Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 – 1821 I had no idea what I wanted to do with my…
Your Kid’s School Is Killing Their Mental Health
“You have to learn this – you won’t be carrying a calculator around with you everywhere you go!” In a way, my old maths…
As a business owner, what does ‘going great’ mean to you?
Going Great! As a business owner, what does ‘going great’ mean to you? Are you on your way to having £squillions in the bank,…
How Tokenistic Wellbeing Is Killing Your Bottom Line
How Tokenistic Wellbeing Is Killing Your Bottom Line (And What You Can Do About It) We all know the drill – it’s World Mental…
Imposter syndrome: Loosely defined as….‘doubting your abilities
Imposter syndrome – On the search engine DuckDuckGo, imposter syndrome is loosely defined as….‘doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud or phoney’. It…
Entrepreneurship & Mindfulness: Less Stress, More Balance!
Entrepreneurship & Mindfulness – Less Stress, More Balance! What if you could make the brain work better with simple brain training skills? What if…
Yoga for Relaxation: A moment to step away from all that keeps us busy.
Yoga for Relaxation We all need a little relaxation in our lives. A moment to step away from all that keeps us busy, to…
Embracing Mediocrity: Humans are complex in many different forms.
Embracing Mediocrity Not so long ago striving for the top of the tree, the pinnacle of the career ladder or stand out entrepreneurial success…
Love is the opposite of Fear: which is a special law of the universe.
Fears and Phobias – 7 Tips to Overcome them The NHS defines a phobia “as an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place,…
Life: a four letter word which means so much in different terms.
Life – a four letter word which means so much and is so different for every one of us. Fliss Lewis talks about the…
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